rare super blue moon

Happy Super Blue Moon!

Once in a rare super blue moon, I emerge from my hermit cave to write about life’s magical moments. Tonight is one of those nights, so listen up! On August 30-31, earthlings will have the opportunity to witness the biggest and brightest full moon of 2023: THE SUPER BLUE MOON. 🌝✨

A super blue moon means that a blue moon and a supermoon are happening at the same time. Not only is this rare, it holds a special spiritual significance for those who celebrate.

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ethical alternatives to white sage and palo santo

Ethical Alternatives to White Sage and Palo Santo + thoughts on Silicon Valley Shamanism

What’s up witchy pals?!?

What a world we are living in right now! If you’re feeling some intense energy right now, it’s because THERE IS A WHOLE LOT OF SHIT GOING ON. No planets to blame it on, just chaos happening all over our planet. But I’m pretty sure you don’t need me to remind you of that, so let’s move on to what you can do to reset the vibe of your personal space to at least momentarily savor a sliver of inner peace (or something like that).

More specifically, let’s talk about ways to connect with our own spirituality while being respectful of Indigenous people and traditions. We’ll cover ethical alternatives to White Sage and Palo Santo and explain why it is harmful to appropriate sacred Indigenous practices. And I’ll leave you with plenty of inspiration to develop your own cool tricks for keeping vibes high.

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How to get started as a witch: find your unique spiritual path & WAKE UP to your magic! (IN DEPTH DISCUSSION)

What’s up witches??

You may have already heard humanity is in the midst of something called a consciousness shift, meaning many people are waking up to the knowledge that there is more to life than what we have previously been told.

Spiritual awakening is in the air, and I am getting asked more than ever by those waking up to their magic, “Where the heck do I begin?” So open that beautiful mind of yours up and slip on your grooviest shades, because I am about to show you not only how to get started as a witch, but how to find your own unique spiritual path.

This is such a good question because embarking on your magical journey can be a LOT. While there is more information available now than ever before, having so many options can hard to decide how to get started as a witch. So where should you begin? Fear not, your witchy gal pal is here to spill the secrets of how to wake up to your magic! Today I’ll be sharing my favorite magical things to look into when you are getting started on your spiritual path.

Check out this trippy video I made on the subject, and follow along with my class notes here:

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creating an altar for witchcraft

Your guide to creating an altar / sacred space for witchcraft (or just to chill at).

Welcome back to another sunny day in isolation! (That’s how it is here in California, anyway.) Let’s face it, the world is in chaos, and we are in solitude. It is more important than ever to learn the skill of creating a peaceful oasis for yourself. YOU NEED A SANCTUARY! So why not start by creating an altar / sacred space for witchcraft, inner peace, or even just for sanity’s sake!?

Why do this, you ask? By creating an altar or sacred space, you are designating a magical oasis just for you and your spiritual practice. This will serve as a sanctuary for you to retreat and relax as well. Never underestimate the power of creating a physical manifestation of your magic! When you set aside a location for meditation and magical workings, you infuse it with the powerful energy of your intentions, which will allow you to go about your magical workings with enhanced focus and calm. No matter how much or how little room you have to work with, you can create the perfect altar or sacred space for you!

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You know you’re a witch when…

Did anyone else find themselves deep in feelings this weekend? I am forever committed to a positive attitude, yet I couldn’t help but notice the weight of our stark world reality creeping in. I decided to go for a (socially distanced) walk and when I returned, something magical happened! You know you’re a witch when…

…the local cats come to hang out right outside your window! First I noticed one adorable little guy chilling in my backyard. Soon after, a friend joined him! They hung out with me for quite a while as I repeatedly cooed compliments on their cuteness through my window.

As dark as the world can be, it is still full of magical moments! Keep your eyes open for small signs. Keep your eyes open for blessings, and you will find them!

Crystal magic for better dreams and sleep!

Literally everyone I know is reporting crazy dreams! As a byproduct of our disrupted lives and schedules, many people are reporting especially unusual sleep patterns too. (I’m personally trying to hold back from becoming completely nocturnal.) Why not use a crystal for a little magical help at bedtime?

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A Temperance Tarot Tuesday

Welcome back to your weekly Tarot Tuesday! It’s official, humanity is collectively experiencing some very strange and vivid dreams. (Both the waking and the sleeping kind, come to think of it. Maybe we’ve been in a dream this entire time? Anyway.) The other night I had a dream that I got “TEMPERANCE” tattooed in very big bold capital letters across my arm. Ironically, I got it done very hastily, realizing only when I returned home and took off the bandage that the word had been spelled wrong.

So why is “TEMPERANCE” calling for attention, especially now? Merriam-Webster defines the word “temperance” as “moderation” or “voluntary self-restraint.” So why tell me to chill when I’ve been chilling? We have all been at home; no one is exactly going wild at the moment. But this could be the perfect time to reflect on how we have been living, and how best to find balance in our lives moving forward.

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Oil yourself up babyyy! (let’s talk about anointing)

Hello friends. I feel like today we all need a hug. I know I can’t technically make that happen for you right now, but just know that if I could, I would.

Today I want to share with you a simple ritual that instantly helps you connect with the part of yourself that you know deep down is sacred and magical. It is the practice of anointing yourself with oil. There is so much power in using the few seconds it takes to lovingly anoint your body as an offering to the divinity within you, the essence in you which is connected to all life. Your body is the vessel through which you experience the amazing act of living, so why not take a moment to honor it?

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What comes after the new moon? Work, honey!

A new moon crossed the sky on Monday, and here we are in a sort of cosmic grey area for those of us who like to take into consideration its phases. It is said that the three days before and after new and full moons are still brimming with the phase’s energy. But where is the best place to cast our focus in this particular time – just after the new moon?

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the moon tarot

give yourself a fresh start

Spiritual pep talk time! Logging into this blog just now felt like busting open a REALLY creaky door in the middle of the night, probably waking up a roommate. (Am I still welcome here?!?) I’m ashamed to say I nearly abandoned this magical place!
I have a confession to make. I’m not a witch for a living (although I hope someday to cast a spell that pays the bills). I have a full time day job and a dog just like you. For a time I really just let my life get in the way of, uh, well, my life. Has this ever happened to you?

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