rare super blue moon

Happy Super Blue Moon!

Once in a rare super blue moon, I emerge from my hermit cave to write about life’s magical moments. Tonight is one of those nights, so listen up! On August 30-31, earthlings will have the opportunity to witness the biggest and brightest full moon of 2023: THE SUPER BLUE MOON. 🌝✨

A super blue moon means that a blue moon and a supermoon are happening at the same time. Not only is this rare, it holds a special spiritual significance for those who celebrate.

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What comes after the new moon? Work, honey!

A new moon crossed the sky on Monday, and here we are in a sort of cosmic grey area for those of us who like to take into consideration its phases. It is said that the three days before and after new and full moons are still brimming with the phase’s energy. But where is the best place to cast our focus in this particular time – just after the new moon?

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