rare super blue moon

Happy Super Blue Moon!

Once in a rare super blue moon, I emerge from my hermit cave to write about life’s magical moments. Tonight is one of those nights, so listen up! On August 30-31, earthlings will have the opportunity to witness the biggest and brightest full moon of 2023: THE SUPER BLUE MOON. 🌝✨

A super blue moon means that a blue moon and a supermoon are happening at the same time. Not only is this rare, it holds a special spiritual significance for those who celebrate.

How rare is the super blue moon?

A super blue moon only happens about once every ten years on average. The next super blue moon won’t happen until 2037, when there will be TWO! (Mark your calendars for January and March 2037!)

What is a blue moon?

When two full moons occur in one month, the second full moon is called a blue moon.

(There’s also another type of blue moon called a seasonal blue moon: when a season has four full moons instead of the usual three.)

What is a supermoon?

A supermoon is more than just a cool way to say that the moon looks large and in charge. According to NASA: “When the Moon is at or near its closest point to Earth at the same time as it is full, it is called a supermoon.”

Supermoons happen three to four times a year, and blue moons occur once every two or three years. So while we don’t have to wait long to see either of those again, we won’t get to witness this power combo for more than a decade!

What is the spiritual significance of a super blue moon?

Magical moon appreciators rejoice when a rare blue moon appears because it is considered a particularly lucky, auspicious time. If you are one of those “look at the moon” people, you might feel extra hyped up when a supermoon comes around. I know it’s not just me – supermoons feel intense! A SUPER BLUE MOON is pretty much the luckiest rare holographic Pokémon card of moon phenomena: a powerful blessing!

The super blue moon signifies powerful energy, spiritual renewal and dreams coming to fruition. Its rarity and beauty make it feel extra potent, so start believing in miracles (if you don’t already).

This full moon is in the sign of Pisces, which is believed to cause creative inspiration and deep emotions to surface.

How to celebrate the super blue moon:

This is the most powerful full moon of 2023, so you might as well make a wish and do something magical.

It’s the perfect time for manifestation and contemplation. This is a great excuse to indulge in something you want to do more often – something that makes you feel good. Pamper yourself, meditate, charge your crystals on a windowsill, light a candle, set intentions, cast a spell, give gratitude for the blessings in your life, watch the moonrise or simply shimmy around under the moonlight.

IMO, the coolest thing about this moon is the fact that we’re here to see it. Thanks for joining me on this long strange trip through space.

Blessed be, witches!

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