ethical alternatives to white sage and palo santo

Ethical Alternatives to White Sage and Palo Santo + thoughts on Silicon Valley Shamanism

What’s up witchy pals?!?

What a world we are living in right now! If you’re feeling some intense energy right now, it’s because THERE IS A WHOLE LOT OF SHIT GOING ON. No planets to blame it on, just chaos happening all over our planet. But I’m pretty sure you don’t need me to remind you of that, so let’s move on to what you can do to reset the vibe of your personal space to at least momentarily savor a sliver of inner peace (or something like that).

More specifically, let’s talk about ways to connect with our own spirituality while being respectful of Indigenous people and traditions. We’ll cover ethical alternatives to White Sage and Palo Santo and explain why it is harmful to appropriate sacred Indigenous practices. And I’ll leave you with plenty of inspiration to develop your own cool tricks for keeping vibes high.

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weird dreams lately dream sachet diy

Weird dreams lately? Try this dream sachet DIY!

If the dystopian nightmare that is 2020 is spilling over into your sleep and causing you to have weird dreams, you are not alone! I have seen countless articles come out about “weird pandemic dreams” and all of my friends seem to be confirming this as well. With the combination of strange waking life, shifting planetary / lunar / celestial influences, and more time at home to slip into dreamland, it’s no wonder so many of us are having strange experiences at night.

We all already know how important sleep is for your immune system and sanity, and those two things are more essential than ever. So if you too have been experiencing weird dreams lately, there is good news for you! There is an easy solution that can magically influence your dream experiences: a dream sachet, also known as a dream pillow. Read on to learn why it works and how to get in on some dream sachet DIY action yourself.

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