love spells, hexes, and how not to turn your love spell into a hex

Love spells, hexes, and how not to turn your love spell into a hex!

What is up witchy friends?!?

Last Friday I celebrated my 3 year anniversary of self partnership! In honor of this occasion I decided to share my knowledge and experience regarding love spells, hexes, and how not to turn your hex into a love spell! (Hey, I learned the hard way so you don’t have to.)

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weird dreams lately dream sachet diy

Weird dreams lately? Try this dream sachet DIY!

If the dystopian nightmare that is 2020 is spilling over into your sleep and causing you to have weird dreams, you are not alone! I have seen countless articles come out about “weird pandemic dreams” and all of my friends seem to be confirming this as well. With the combination of strange waking life, shifting planetary / lunar / celestial influences, and more time at home to slip into dreamland, it’s no wonder so many of us are having strange experiences at night.

We all already know how important sleep is for your immune system and sanity, and those two things are more essential than ever. So if you too have been experiencing weird dreams lately, there is good news for you! There is an easy solution that can magically influence your dream experiences: a dream sachet, also known as a dream pillow. Read on to learn why it works and how to get in on some dream sachet DIY action yourself.

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summer solstice ritual

10 Summer Solstice Ritual Ideas: How to Celebrate Midsummer, 2020 Edition

Welcome back, witches!

Can you feel it? There are major energetic shifts about to happen, both in the cosmos and on our planet. Let’s touch on why the 2020 Summer Solstice is bringing a much needed energetic reset this year, and I’ll share my favorite Summer Solstice ritual ideas. Read on for ideas on how to celebrate Midsummer, the longest day of the year and a holiday representing love, light, and the joy that comes with being alive on our beautiful Earth.

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How to get started as a witch: find your unique spiritual path & WAKE UP to your magic! (IN DEPTH DISCUSSION)

What’s up witches??

You may have already heard humanity is in the midst of something called a consciousness shift, meaning many people are waking up to the knowledge that there is more to life than what we have previously been told.

Spiritual awakening is in the air, and I am getting asked more than ever by those waking up to their magic, “Where the heck do I begin?” So open that beautiful mind of yours up and slip on your grooviest shades, because I am about to show you not only how to get started as a witch, but how to find your own unique spiritual path.

This is such a good question because embarking on your magical journey can be a LOT. While there is more information available now than ever before, having so many options can hard to decide how to get started as a witch. So where should you begin? Fear not, your witchy gal pal is here to spill the secrets of how to wake up to your magic! Today I’ll be sharing my favorite magical things to look into when you are getting started on your spiritual path.

Check out this trippy video I made on the subject, and follow along with my class notes here:

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creating an altar for witchcraft

Your guide to creating an altar / sacred space for witchcraft (or just to chill at).

Welcome back to another sunny day in isolation! (That’s how it is here in California, anyway.) Let’s face it, the world is in chaos, and we are in solitude. It is more important than ever to learn the skill of creating a peaceful oasis for yourself. YOU NEED A SANCTUARY! So why not start by creating an altar / sacred space for witchcraft, inner peace, or even just for sanity’s sake!?

Why do this, you ask? By creating an altar or sacred space, you are designating a magical oasis just for you and your spiritual practice. This will serve as a sanctuary for you to retreat and relax as well. Never underestimate the power of creating a physical manifestation of your magic! When you set aside a location for meditation and magical workings, you infuse it with the powerful energy of your intentions, which will allow you to go about your magical workings with enhanced focus and calm. No matter how much or how little room you have to work with, you can create the perfect altar or sacred space for you!

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protection spell

A simple protection spell

How are we doing, folks? How are you really doing, I mean?

The reality of our current world situation has been hitting me in waves. Sometimes I feel like I’m chugging along just fine, and sometimes I just feel so helpless! The more I talk to others, the more I realize I am not alone (in this feeling, at least). We all wish there was more we could do to really feel safe.

Enter this simple protection spell. At the absolute least, you’ll get the mental satisfaction of feeling like you are taking some kind of extra action to stay safe. And at the best, well, it just might work!

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cold brew coffee spell

A beginner’s guide to making cold brew coffee… and turning it into a spell for energy and vitality!

Are you tired of me trying to guess what day it is yet? Word off the street is, it’s somewhere near the beginning of the week… time to grab a cuppa caffeination and uh, stay right where you are, I guess?

Are you missing your old routine? Are you missing the little tidbits of normalcy that used to seem trivial, but now seem like a lifeline attached to reality as we knew it? For example, the casual coffee run. I’m even missing getting together with a friend to line up for twenty minutes for boujee coffees that we undoubtedly paid too much for. (Insert a comment about millennials and their priorities here.) In the absence of the daily rituals that fleshed out our former routines and brought a sense of comforting reliability to our world, I would like to suggest the creative invention of something new to temporarily take its place.

Sadly, a lot of coffeeshops are currently closed, and many of us are being forced to reconsider how we are allocating our resources. (And unfortunately those $7 lattes may not necessarily fit into the most sensible daily budget.) But good coffee is good coffee, man. Those cravings are not going to go away. With a little extra time on your hands, why not learn to make your own bomb ass cold brew? You can easily make boujee coffee your way AND save a bunch of money doing so. Better yet, because everything is better with a little magic, you can infuse your custom-crafted libation with an enchantment for an extra kick.

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spell crafting

Build-A-Spell Workshop!

Welcome to my workshop, witches! If you were a 90s-ish baby, you might possess a vague childhood memory of taking a factory tour to custom build a stuffed animal. I’m here to take you on the magically-inclined adult version! What I have compiled for you here is a basic guide to building your own spells. I believe that there is a special power in crafting your own spells; you are infusing their every detail with your intentions. Whether you’re new to spell crafting or seeking further inspiration, this build-a-spell workshop is full of the most important details to keep in mind.

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Enchant your tea with this spell to chill you out

Did this last full moon feel especially intense for you? Maybe it’s just the state of the world right now, but something feels a little heavy in the aftermath of that SUPER PINK MOOOOOON!!!!!! Yes, I do have to say it like that, because that is how extra this moon was! I mean, look at this picture my friend Amy took of it rising above San Francisco!!!

Anyway, I think we all need to wind down a bit. Let’s just take things down a notch and chill tonight and make ourselves a cup of tea, okay? And while we’re at it, I’ll teach you a way to enchant your brew. Witches are excellent multitaskers, haven’t you heard?

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Spring Equinox ritual: release the last shreds of darkness to let in the light

Happy Spring Equinox, magical friends! Today officially marks the end of long dark nights and the beginning of brighter days. As the forces of light and dark converge today to create an equal balance of night and day, this is a powerful time to release any lingering darkness so we can move freely forward into the light.

We are also operating under the last few days of the waning moon here – with the new moon coming up on March 24th – so now is the perfect opportunity to let anything you need to let go, GO. And get it out of here for good! The past has been quite a trip and the future might be looking a little murky, but the only thing in our control is how firmly we stand in the present. This is a chance to shake off any heavy barnacles weighing down the mind so that we can sail forward more smoothly. (Still feeling this Pisces season, anyone?) Sometimes when outside circumstances make us feel helpless, it is helpful to refocus ourselves on the things we still have the power to influence – in this case, in the form of magical ritualized meditation. Enter this simple ritual that will serve as a physical manifestation of our commitment to leave fear and doubt behind, and meet what comes from a place of strength.

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