
Manifest your best life!

I’M BACK after having a very intense emotional experience during our last full moon. Did you feel it too? Apparently there are a lot of funky cosmic shifts going on (but then again, when is that not true?) and although I felt like I should have harnessed some of that energy to generate some fun full moon content, I ended up getting so swept up in the intensity of my feelings that all I could do was just be. But I did a lot of thinking about what it is I’m trying to do on this giant rock in space, and what I want to manifest. And how do you manifest stuff anyway?

Witchy friends, I might be all about good vibes and rainbows, but it would be dishonest not to acknowledge the clouds too. I’m not a perfectly enlightened guru chilling on top of a mountain giving lofty advice to weary travelers. I’m a weary traveler too, searching as much for inner peace and wisdom as anyone else. We are on this path together, so let us discover together. Today I’m suggesting we share a spiritual experiment: let’s try our hands at manifesting the lives we want to create for ourselves.

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Ritualize your life! (AKA the art of transforming everyday tasks into meaningful meditations)

I’ve been a busy witch lately, and like most of us, I have no shortage of responsibilities to keep up with! I’ve noticed that my day-to-day routine keeps me constantly occupied and although I am glad to never feel bored, I have been left with precious little free time for my magical endeavors. I’m sure many can relate — although it would be nice to always be able to set aside a scheduled moment for spiritual reflection, it doesn’t always seem possible. Sometimes we ache to delve into our inner work but can’t set aside more than a moment. So how can we squeeze in a little magic without any wiggle room? You don’t need any extra time or materials — a bit of creativity is all you need to create a magical meditation space anytime, anywhere!

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A quick & simple morning ritual to supercharge your day

Since we are about to roll into a brand new week I figured I’d share my favorite witchy morning practice to start the day off right! Think of this as a super efficient mini mindfulness meditation designed to set your intentions for the day. Whether you have five minutes or no minutes, this easy yet effective routine can be snuck into even the most hectic of mornings and will help hone your focus on whatever it is you need to accomplish!

So put on some music that will get you hyped up, head over to where you usually get ready, and try following these steps to get your mind primed to face whatever lies in store for you next. Continue reading