snake candle

How to protect your energy

Your energy! Your excitement! Your life force that makes you YOU! Your personal little energetic field is valuable and worth keeping careful watch over. If you have ever been in a situation where you felt drained afterwards, you know what it’s like to have your energy drained. Read on for a few simple ways you can protect that precious energy!

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Solve your problems with this tarot trick

Whether you’re a seasoned tarot reader or someone who is brand new to your tarot deck, this “tarot battle” exercise is designed to help you discover more about yourself and your cards while also potentially helping you remove mental blocks that prevent you from solving seemingly insurmountable obstacles. This can be performed with any tarot deck — today I am using the Rider-Waite deck because it is super clear and easily interpreted, but I have found many others that I love. Feel free to use whatever inspires you most.

While it is great to draw a card at random from your deck, it is super beneficial to take a good look through your cards and get to know them by seeing them all as they are. You can work with them by choosing certain cards that resonate with your current state of mind; it doesn’t take away the magic to pick intentionally, I promise! It will actually deepen your understanding of the super relatable parts of life that they represent.

So if you’re going through something —  perhaps a problem that is hard to solve or even difficult to begin to think of a solution to — pick out a card that most symbolizes what you are going through. The cards are dramatic as hell, so please don’t be afraid to pick what resonates with you at this time, even if it’s a bit of a stretch. Tarot is all about symbolic associations so universal that they work on a subliminal level, helping you find answers within yourself that you may not have been able to reach on your own.

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How to actually use crystals

You might have heard crystals can bring you an unlimited source of good vibes. You might be hearing all about how crystals can help you reduce stress, cope with depression, or just improve your overall quality of life. But you might also be wondering, how the heck do you actually use these things? How do we tap into the infinite benefits supposedly enclosed in these shiny little guys?

Well wonder no more, because I’m totally here to help you through this. I’ve made a list of my top five favorite ways to use crystals. These tips will work with literally any kind of crystal, so feel free to experiment! If you’re new to crystals, go and pick one out! Seriously, just try listening to your first instinct and take home the one that first grabs your attention. (Unless that’s the $3,500 geode in the window that you’ll need to open a new credit card for, in which case, maybe work up to that eventually.)

Now that you have a sparkly new friend, keep one really important thing in mind! Ultimately, a crystal’s true meaning is what it means to you. This can be as life-altering or as lighthearted as you care to think of it. Aside from all the folklore and fabled magical properties, the true power of a crystal is that it triggers an association in your mind with the characteristics it represents. It is a tangible reminder of what you’re choosing to invite more of into your life. You can hold it and behold it, you can see it and believe in it. But ultimately the qualities being brought to the surface are qualities already in you. Sometimes you just need to make things feel a little more magical to see it.

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