how to do aeromancy

How to do AEROMANCY (cloud divination) ft. the prettiest pink sunset!

What’s up witches? The sky? Very true, and that brings me to our topic of discussion today:


Aeromancy, or the art of reading clouds and weather (from Greek aero, “air,” and manteia, “divination”), is one of the oldest forms of divination ever practiced. Thought to have been used by the priests of ancient Babylon, this practice reveals secrets of the universe simply by observing natural phenomena.

After all, when shit hits the fan here on Earth, it’s customary to look up at the heavens and ask “WHY??!?!?!?!?”

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Need guidance? Try these ancient techniques for receiving wisdom

Not that anyone ever truly has had it all figured out, but uh… it seems like literally everyone is currently asking the question, “What are we supposed to do?”

Let’s face it, we could all use a little guidance. As a species we are collectively experiencing something for which there exists no definitive guide. On a personal, governmental, and global level, we are figuring it out as we go. And that’s a little unnerving, to say the least! Few people find solace in uncertainty.

But this isn’t the first time in human history that we have faced the looming threat of the unknown. Perhaps in our modern search to connect with a greater guidance to answer our questions, we must look back to how magical humans of the past sought out wisdom during life’s challenges. Since the earliest recordings of human history, people have used various techniques to tap into higher wisdom.

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passive divination

Develop your intuition with passive divination!

Have you ever heard a snippet of a random conversation from passers-by and caught a few words that seem relevant to your life? Have you ever come across something while lost in thought and said to yourself, that’s a sign? You are onto something when this happens — in fact, you are practicing what I like to call “passive divination.” You are tapping into your intuition using your senses, and the more you stay aware of it, the better you’ll get. So let’s talk about it!

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