best San Francisco sunsets of 2020

Top 50+ Best San Francisco Sunsets of 2020

Wow, witches. We have just about made it to the end of 2020! Can you believe it? This year went by so fast, yet somehow still managed to feel like an eternity. Are you feeling it?

I may have lost my main source of work and income, ability to see my loved ones, and sense of security about the future, but I still feel an overwhelming amount of gratitude just to be here. To clarify, “here” is by the beach in San Francisco, California.

So I can’t exactly complain. It’s scary as hell to be here and not know what’s next, but then again, I’m here, and no one ever really knows what’s coming next if we’re being honest.

My heart goes out to all of you out there dealing with different challenges this year. I may not be powerful enough yet to magically fix all your problems… so the least I can do is share some of the beauty I was lucky enough to witness this year, right? My hope is to share some beauty and light with anyone who needs it as a reminder that there is still so much good in this world!

Here are my top 50+ best San Francisco sunsets of 2020! Most of these photos and videos were taken around Ocean Beach and Fort Funston (so technically a few Daly City sunsets snuck in, too). While San Francisco and Ocean Beach often get a bad rap for their wind and fog, I’d say this year had just as many clear evenings than foggy ones. There’s a reason we have a whole neighborhood called the Sunset District!

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pink sunset aesthetic

A pink sunset aesthetic moment to escape into? Yes please!

It’s rewarding to keep your eyes out for little everyday moments of magic.

Sometimes if you’re lucky, you’ll catch a BIG moment of magic. This perfectly pink sunset aesthetic moment was just that!

I want to share this ethereal pink sunset with you to remind you that we live in a world where AMAZING things can happen.

It is important to remind the world it is beautiful. (Sadly, sometimes we forget.) Please allow these photos to temporarily whisk you away for a blissful bask in beauty!

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sand dunes and sea figs

sand dunes & sea figs

Hello, lonely world.

One of my favorite activities lately has been sitting with my butt on the sand. It feels so grounding. On my (socially distant) walks I like to plop down on the local sand dunes and look up at the sky, listening to the sea.

Here along the California coastline the sand dunes are covered in flowering dense green succulents. I just learned that these magical plants are called sea figs. How whimsical is that?!? They look like chunky cartoon versions of grass erupting in aquatic-looking yellow and pink flowers. Apparently they are edible too?!?

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What is California Witchcraft?

After a whole lot of soul searching, I decided to make a few changes around here!

It’s time to get crystal clear on what I’m doing, so I updated the name of this website to more accurately reflect the particular type of magic we’ll be exploring together. California Witchcraft is my signature blend of spiritual practices, cultivated over a lifetime of researching magical subjects while living near the Northern California coast. Just like our local vibe, it’s laid-back; there is no specific belief system it requires you to subscribe to, and I keep my rituals fairly simple for ease of use and maximum zen.

Practicing California witchcraft is half meditation, half magic. The spells and rituals I offer here are primarily meditations to help you focus your energy, boosted by the power of adding a mystical element to inspire and enhance the experience. Combining meditation and magic has brought me great inner peace and happiness since childhood, and it is this lovingly brewed concoction I am offering to you.

Mirroring the diversity of California’s landscape, this blog will be covering a vast array of magical topics to add extra layers of enchantment to your everyday life.

Just like California, my particular vein of magic looks on the bright side. We’re all about a healthy dose of sunshine out here, so all of the spellwork offered here will be for the “good witch” – focused on positive energy. I feel it is important to also assert that I am not here to preach blind positivity to a world that doesn’t want to hear it; I’m here to remind a worn-out world that it is made of magic.

Living a magical life is a choice that is yours to make at any time, no matter what your circumstances are. I’ll spare you the gory details, but I did not have the easiest childhood. (I would joke about how you can tell from my tattoos, but we all know that’s BS. There are plenty of “normal” looking people who come from fucked up backgrounds, just as many alt babes who get stereotyped as having “daddy issues” come from loving families.) I have always been an optimist, realizing early on that being happy is a choice independent of one’s external circumstances; I have worked through some serious shit to get to this a sunny state of mind! So I promise that while I will always lean towards the light, I’ll keep it real with you too. While positive intentions will be behind everything we cover here, some shadow work will be offered as well.

Influenced by a lifetime of immersion in the magic California has to offer, I will be heavily emphasizing the power of spending time in and around nature, and we’ll also wander into some groovy hot topics involving psychedelia. My goal in sharing this is to empower others to learn about and seek out the more ethereal aspects of life that can really enrich your experience here on this planet. Opening one’s heart to the current of deep mystery that runs beneath the veil of our everyday routines can allow life to become an ever-evolving adventure filled with infinite possibilities – and much more fun!

Now more than ever, with a global pandemic drastically changing our world, we need to recognize our ability to create a safe space within ourselves, regardless of what is happening outside us. While it’s important not to turn a blind eye to these external happenings, I want you to always have access to some good news. It is for this reason that I am hereby committing to writing to you daily for as long as the quarantine orders are in effect – we’re in this together, okay? I’ll be your witchy gal pal along the way, and together we can give a voice to the more playful, accessible side of the divinity that lies within all of us.